Customer Testimonials

Trevor - 2013 Triumph 675R - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Picked up my dream bike and immediately fell in love with it. Just needed to fix a few things... One of them being the powerband. The previous owner claimed they had the bike dyno tuned with the PCV installed. I have no proof of this, so I went with his word. I noticed that all the power seemed to be in 4th gear. This did not jive with my riding style, nor did it seem right. I had really good results with Jeffo's map on my '04 GSX-R 750, so he was my first choice. The previous map might've looked good on a chart, but Jeffo's map balanced out the power across all gears, and even seemed to make the quickshifter react better (might be a placebo effect). I love how my Daytona handles now, and thoroughly enjoy the fact I can own several of his maps for varying elevations/temps for the price of a single dyno tune. Great for the traveling track rider such as myself. Thanks Jeffo!

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus